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Personal Profile

George Dousis was born in Athens-Greece. He has established himself as one of the most outstanding contemporary composers in his country. His music is characterised by high technical perfection, sonorous richness and penetrating delineation of characters when it comes to stage music. His works include a Piano Concerto (2017), a Cello Concerto (2023), works for Symphonic Orchestra and works for small ensembles. Works for the stage include eight operas of all kinds, while the family opera The Magic Pillows (2020) and Hedda Gabler (2018) have been commissioned by the Greek National Opera.
He studied composition with T. Antoniou and attended compositional seminars with B.Ferneyhough, W.Rihm, M. Stroppa, Ivan Fedele, Β. Mantovani and S.Sciarrino among others.

His music has been performed by ensembles including the State Orchestra of Athens, ERT National Symphonic Orchestra, Athens Municipality Symphony Orchestra and smaller ensembles around the world (U.K., U.S.A., Luxembourg, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Mexico, Portugal, Finland etc.). As an orchestrator and arranger, he has also worked with many important orchestras such as Boston Pops-BSO and the Symphonic Orchestra of Cannes. He is a member of ISCM GR (International Society of Contemporary Music).

In 2024, his orchestral work Danae and Perseus was on the shortlist by the Waterfall Symphonic Orchestra international's call for works. The same year, he received the 2nd prize in the Tapiola Choir Choral International Composition Competition for his work An Old Man.
Recent projects include the opera Nizinski, The Prophecy of Fire (premiere tba), and a series of works for Orchestra based on ancient Greek myths.

George Dousi's contribution to the field of jazz music is also noteworthy. As the founder of the band Momo Trio, he has made three productions -two vinyl and one digital- and has also released two purely personal jazz albums (the second is to be released in September 2024). He has also collaborated in numerous concerts and festivals as a jazz pianist.

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“Think, write, play”

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